Expired domains on Namejet auctions 2013-11-27

Namejet expired domain names:
igp.com 1995 LLL.com
finchworld.com 1995 DMOZ
inov8.com 1995
digitalfocus.com 1995 digital focus
eventsnet.com 1995
scme.com 1995 LLLL.com
ontap.org 1996
cybis.com 1996 DMOZ
goingforgold.org 1996
millerfamily.org 1996 DMOZ
mjac.net 1997
motor-sports.com 1997
pcdoctors.net 1997
surround-sound.com 1997
asaprent.com 1997
cesc.org 1997
galandor.org 1997
nationalprocess.com 1997
neonvenus.com 1997 DMOZ
nuevo-mundo.com 1997
o-ls.com 1997
c-port.org 1997
hast.org 1998
clothdiapers.net 1998
exploit-lib.org 1998 DMOZ
infocontrol.org 1998
biering.com 1998
clinicallab.com 1998
clinicalchemistry.com 1998
meta-list.org 1998
scsl.net 1998
5472.com 1999 NNNN.com
vaaga.com 1999
agphotodesign.com 1999
aboutteens.org 1999 DMOZ
netherwood.com 1999
johnbuchanan.com 1999 john buchanan
dating365.com 1999
newbaybridge.com 2000
mybiosphere.com 2000
runningbuddies.com 2000
woodentoysbydave.com 2000 DMOZ wooden toys by dave
badmovieplanet.com 2000 DMOZ
estriolcream.net 2000
techarticle.com 2000
alanadler.com 2000 DMOZ alan adler
havencenter.com 2000
garmont.org 2000
cropdude.com 2000
veronicavanoza.com 2001 veronica vanoza
skirtclub.com 2001 skirt club
japanesedragon.com 2001 japanese dragon
mylifedesigns.com 2001 DMOZ my life designs
legalwords.com 2001 legal words
medialeaks.com 2001 media leaks
nanobrain.com 2001 nano brain
repeats.net 2001
cupang.org 2001
redranger.com 2001
visitnorfolk.org 2001
bigassblonde.net 2001
healthatwork.net 2001
adiq.org 2001 DMOZ
namesoft.net 2001
adamsteel.com 2001 adam steel
jacketfactory.com 2001 DMOZ jacket factory
arcelectronics.com 2001
dubaz.com 2001
maginator.com 2002
sluzba.com 2002
super-sol.com 2002
vitafon.net 2002
aquadolce.com 2002
motiondisorders.com 2002 DMOZ motion disorders
supertetra.com 2002
supertin.com 2002
vicee.com 2002
lexique.net 2002
airaqua.info 2002 DMOZ
kartsport.net 2002
ce-university.com 2002
movieadmedia.com 2002
domango.com 2002
diao.org 2002
jennyforever.com 2002
lighttv.com 2002
begeleiding.net 2002
scottritter.com 2002 scott ritter
49286.com 2003 NNNNN.com
strip-games.com 2003
virtualworking.com 2003
secretosdelmar.com 2003 DMOZ
shenghua.net 2003
csni.net 2003
fotogaleria.net 2003
michelhenry.com 2003 DMOZ michel henry
listyourhome.org 2003
restaura.net 2003
allreference.com 2003
taxsolver.org 2003
batez.com 2003 CVCVC.com
pasna.com 2003
stree.net 2003
theschoolbox.net 2003
karabakhgsm.com 2003
livingwall.net 2003
clubcricket.org 2003
cybergolf.org 2003
romantycznie.com 2003 DMOZ
jahrhundert.net 2003
foodsaver.info 2003
bioscreen.org 2003
a-a-b.com 2003
ourintranet.com 2003
marketslice.com 2004
theworldview.com 2004
codesource.org 2004
infid.com 2004
weloveiran.com 2004
3click.net 2004
lakepointe.net 2004
coachingland.com 2004
cableoffer.com 2004
gridoil.com 2004
demonist.com 2004
karaokemusic.org 2004
managedgrid.com 2004
classiccargarage.com 2004 classic car garage
gridchem.com 2004
earthweaver.com 2004
h-d-t-v.com 2004 HDTV
juhlat.com 2005
bioidea.com 2005
scnc.org 2005
adsforlife.com 2005
girlsgolf.biz 2005
water-therapy.com 2005 water therapy
htours.com 2005
food-enthusiast.com 2005 DMOZ
33218.com 2005 NNNNN.com
saucen.net 2005
duplin.net 2005
s9h.com 2005
mycyc.com 2005 DMOZ
savir.net 2005
xhotel.net 2005
kgpz.com 2005
ijab.net 2005
yigy.com 2005 LLLL.com
divingincyprus.com 2006
assistant-guide.com 2006 DMOZ
localnative.com 2006
kyte.tv 2006 DMOZ
greenpool.org 2006
creativejob.org 2006
ythn.com 2006 LLLL.com
frvd.com 2006 LLLL.com
shutterfreak.com 2006
bodeo.com 2006
herogirls.net 2006
kamienica.com 2007
recruter.com 2008
pikster.com 2008
alari.com 2009
marriageblog.net 2009
yotaku.com 2009
asfalt.org 2010
rekuperacja.com 2010
pogomap.com 2010
helpstop.com 2010
biser.tv 2010
traket.com 2011
trgovac.com 2011
foreverarizona.com 2011
pa-x.com 2012
theadult.net 2012
redfriday.org 2012

Domain auctions, domains for sale, Flippa, Sedo, Godaddy, …
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Contact us by email info(goldnames)com

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Easybiz.com – Make offer
Organico.com – Make offer
Veterinar.net – Make offer

LuckyDog.net – Buy now
EASYBIZ.com – Make offer
ORGANICO.com – Make offer
SKYFI.com – Make offer
BIZGO.com – Make offer
SEBE.com – Make offer
GEES.com – Make offer
ABSU.com – Buy now
ACDO.com – Buy now
DNWK.com – Buy now
FIXP.com – Buy now
FOBB.com – Buy now
RROM.com – Buy now
RPOL.com – Buy now
CABD.com – Buy now
TSNC.com – Buy now
OACO.com – Buy now

most wanted domain names,
expired domain names,
pre-delete domain names,
pending delete domain names,
namejet, snapnames, godaddy,

domain name backorder ideas 2013-11-27

NameJet.com is the Goldnames favorite website where to place domain name backorders. Day by day “we” try the best to prepare a compact list of pre-drop domain names. This takes a lot of time and energy. Names selection is done following a certain rules and strategy. Thousand and thousand domain names are dropping each day, the main task is a skilled squeezing of everydays huge drop list. It doesn’t automatically mean that at the output side you will see the ideal domain name to backorder. It’s just a vision of Goldnames with pre-filtered domain names, some of them may have value, some may not. You need to do a final analyze yourself to gather the names you like. Few words about the process as a whole: compiling and squeezing is performed manually, with the help of FreshDrop.com website (still prefer the old classical web interface and it’s available, ask support). Finally the domain names are sorted in descending order by an age. Order of sorting is due to the fact that older names usually have more weight, because they are registered long time ago in the past. But absolutly everything count, not the age alone, backlinks, Google page rank, Dmoz listing, website history, domain itself, and so on
You always have the option to choose what you like.
Welcome and Enjoy!

Pending delete domain names:
tpigroup.com 1995 PR6
quad-sys.com 1995
capitolreporters.com 1996
maximumforce.com 1996
cannonexpress.com 1996
assoexpo.com 1996
pacific-wave.com 1996
linhof.net 1996
x99.org 1997
clayvillelibrary.org 1997
clubtiger.com 1997
mrfixit.net 1997
fantasyexpress.com 1997
sunbeltsoftware.net 1997
magic-glass.com 1997
tropical-design.com 1998
eurokids.org 1998
eggsoft.com 1998
quailpark.net 1998
tmp1.com 1998
docteurnature.com 1998
ccauction.com 1998
europa-lotto.com 1998
wemakenews.com 1998
homeperformance.org 1999
davang.com 1999 DMOZ
lick-it.com 1999
skitel.com 1999
philadelphiayellowpages.com 1999
smokingfemales.com 1999
staybeautiful.net 1999
holocom.net 1999
technotrans.net 1999
arosen.com 1999
genug.com 1999
homeperformance.net 1999
megapoint.net 1999
rusair.com 1999 DMOZ
sunnyhome.net 1999
neilhart.com 2000
sharinginterest.com 2000
corbec.com 2000
quranvoice.com 2000
voabags.com 2000
arriaca.com 2000
hotelek.com 2000
dirx.net 2000
manomarine.com 2000
researchsoftware.net 2000 DMOZ
betterdns.com 2001
busradio.com 2001
elitewarez.com 2001
ethnic-shop.com 2001 DMOZ
online-tutorials.com 2001
nutriance.com 2001
glassmurano.com 2001
anchorrealty.net 2001 DMOZ
rauner.com 2001
serialkiller.net 2001
samsungtown.com 2001 TM
soulwalking.com 2002
glassos.com 2002
goaart.com 2002
baqer.com 2002
e-bam.com 2002
unsanity.org 2002 DMOZ
businessallies.com 2002
pastille.net 2002
websearch.net 2002
madeithappen.com 2002
gdba.net 2002
mimeme.com 2002
realestatemap.com 2002
pautinka.net 2002
tijuanamusic.com 2002
safecenter.net 2002
rodoh.com 2003
askdir.com 2003
nagg.net 2003 DMOZ
trinityconsultingservices.com 2003
adviceforadvisors.com 2003
blueskyauction.com 2003
blueskyauctions.com 2003
etsis.com 2003
flightdepot.com 2003
nbma.net 2003
miraclehome.com 2003
rembang.com 2003
avanda.net 2003
chta.org 2003
newdomainorder.com 2003
skinsavers.net 2003
nagg.net 2003 LLLL.net
flgraphics.com 2003
smallfamilybusiness.com 2003 small family business
andamane.com 2004
picturestattoos.com 2004
beetbox.com 2004
aslanova.com 2004
ambilogic.net 2004
cagrown.org 2004
realexchange.net 2004
zyyf.com 2004 CVVC.com
internationalpropertynews.com 2004
ropamoda.com 2005
metanine.org 2005
flyingswan.com 2005
krasnokamsk.net 2005
08365.com 2005 NNNNN.com
flirtingsafari.com 2005
geotop.net 2005
mailheader.com 2005
candyempire.com 2005
bikinigirls.org 2005
starsafari.net 2005
plusnetwork.org 2005
vitasana.org 2005
fantasticnails.com 2005
golfcarsunlimited.com 2005
playpark.biz 2006 DMOZ
arabicmakeup.com 2006
snst.net 2006
chocolatefan.com 2006
escortfrance.net 2006
memorybit.com 2006
kissthefuture.com 2007
greenlifefarm.com 2007
sysadminsupport.com 2008
genevaforum.com 2008
termostat.org 2011
wjch.com 2012 LLLL.com
smart-journal.com 2012
pirog.tv 2012

Domain auctions, domains for sale, Flippa, Sedo, Godaddy, …
Want a link to your external “domain auction”, “make offer” or “buy now” listing?
Want to advertise domain names and websites on Goldnames blog?
Contact us by email info(goldnames)com

Easybiz.com – Make offer
Organico.com – Make offer
Veterinar.net – Make offer

LuckyDog.net – Buy now
EASYBIZ.com – Make offer
ORGANICO.com – Make offer
SKYFI.com – Make offer
BIZGO.com – Make offer
SEBE.com – Make offer
GEES.com – Make offer
ABSU.com – Buy now
ACDO.com – Buy now
DNWK.com – Buy now
FIXP.com – Buy now
FOBB.com – Buy now
RROM.com – Buy now
RPOL.com – Buy now
CABD.com – Buy now
TSNC.com – Buy now
OACO.com – Buy now

Domains for sale, most wanted domain names, expired domain names, pre-delete domain names,
pending delete domain names, Namejet, Snapnames, Godaddy, Freshdrop, Sedo, Google page rank,

Afternic, recently sold domain names, November 25, 2013

Here is the list of domain names sold on Afternic domain marketplace:

usca.net 3500 USD
etimad.com 2095 USD
schnipke.com 1895 USD
browenvy.com 1836 USD
oculusforum.com 1595 USD
lightheads.com 1575 USD
notforsaken.com 1500 USD
ncfco.com 1295 USD
hjblaw.com 1195 USD
greenthumbhydroponics.com 1195 USD
storkview.com 875 USD
eventprints.com 800 USD
everymaker.com 795 USD
backchannel.net 700 USD
doncompany.com 695 USD
doneberly.com 599 USD

Namejet auctions, domain name sales followed by Goldnames on Nov 25, 2013

November 25, 2013 NameJet auctions report created by Goldnames. Very good day, leaded by mid five-digit sale of XiaoXiao.com $51,688 Namejet auction bid history shows that 300 bids was made from 122 bidders total. Auction winner is qqqwang who is probably from China. Xiao Xiao is an internet Flash cartoon series by Chinese animator Zhu Zhiqiang, featuring stick-figure men performing choreographed fight scenes. Few cartoons are interactive and game-like with many episodes. CVCV.com domain name REGA.com sells for $7,600 and ur.co.uk $5,000 it was the only one that was sold, other five .co.uk extension domain names failed to met reserve: (ux.co.uk,nc.co.uk,lu.co.uk,ng.co.uk,ka.co.uk) Let’s take a look at NameJet auction results, as usual NameJet auctions winner alias displayed as bold and over $1K bidders follow the winner (if any).

xiaoxiao.com $51,688 qqqwang biddcom stillgood loudmi twotwo yiming msn lujch linsharm bosson wojiaoshashou hjpp jasonchina maidouxiangdangdang bestphp asiacoo
rega.com $7,600 joybid latarioni michaelrader guest bidcorp outlawjoseywales cax meimi seek johnsmithsec domainbank
aiyuan.com $6,988 twfx twotwo first feifei biddcom maning
ur.co.uk $5,000 millincoln finlead curious8 ngnames razers3
4235.com $2,700 bpmee31 biddcom
stylesociety.com $2,174 somanynames catchname
supersales.com $1,801 investments finlead
showtickets.net $1,655 flysteer wermak j8686
pge.net $1,500 bidcorp wb123 mazkel
streamtube.com $1,310 notadomainer bidcorp
lawyers.cc $910 bgum
cefex.com $900 ian2166
coloradomusicfest.org $785 sada
ausrap.org $682 sada
eurolove.com $564 millincoln
laolai.com $525 biddcom
lectors.com $501 apexnames

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With best wishes,